Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Crayon Roll-Ups

Hey friends!

I am getting ready for Declan’s 2nd  birthday party this month and was looking for a fun sewing craft to use as a favor for all of his little friends.  He is loving “The many adventures of Winnie the Pooh” on Netflix right now, so we are going with a Pooh theme.  I finally decided on making some crayon roll-ups for the diaper bag.  Declan and his friends are starting to become more interested in art – this will be perfect for a busy kiddo!

I went to Joann’s and bought $25 worth of supplies – enough to make 15 crayon roll-ups, and two pennant flag banners (blog post to come later!).  That seemed pretty affordable to me!   Way cheaper than having them made on Etsy.

So here we go!

2 pieces of the same fabric for the outside and inside – 5” x 12.5”
1 piece of coordinating favbric for the pocket – 6” x 12.5”
1 piece of flannel for lining – 5” x 12.5”
1 coordinating hair elastic
1 button
Disappearing ink fabric marker
My coordinating fabrics for a Pooh birthday!

  1.  Cut out your fabric.  I made 15 of these things, so I found it convenient to cut them all out at once and move on.

  2. Take your pocket fabric and fold it in half length-wise.  Then iron it crisp.
  3. Make a sandwich out of your flannel-inside-pocket and pin it in place
  4. Find the middle and mark  it with your disapperaing fabric marker
  5. Mark lines every 1” on either side of the fabric until all lines have been drawn. The last gap should be a little wider than 1” to account for seam allowance
  6. Time to sew!  Start with the pockets.  Start at the middle and work your way across each side until you have sewn down each marked line.  Don’t forget to strengthen the stitch at the top of the pocket because that is where your little one will be yanking to get their crayons out! I went back and forth a few times to make sure it was secure.  

  7. Next I stitched down the elastic on the right side.  I made sure to put the melted segment of the elastic here so I won’t worry if it breaks down the road.  I used red thread on one of the roll ups so it was easier to see what was going on.  I did prefer white thread for the other roll ups though - it looks more coordinated.
  8. To assemble the roll up, place the outside piece of fabric face down on our sandwiched piece (right sides together) and pin at each corner.  Mark an opening so you have plenty of room to pull it right side out.  It also helps to clip each of the corners so it’s easier to get a crisp corner once it’s pulled right side out.
  9. Sew around the fabric with a ¼” inseam – leaving a 3” gap to pull it through.
  10. Turn right side out and poke out the corners.  (A chopstick works great for this!)
  11.  If you can still see the fabric pen markings, get the fabric wet.  If you iron the fabric markings – it will cause them to be permanent. Iron flat.  Be sure to tuck in the 3” section that you left for pulling through and iron well.
  12. Stitch around the perimeter of the fabric, as close as you can to the edge.
  13. Fill the pouches with crayons and make a mark where your button needs to go. 
  14. Sew on your button. I used a bee button to coordinate with the pooh fabric. 

  15. Voila! Perfect little favor for Declan's upcoming party.
I hope Declan's friends will like them!

Until next time!

- Amanda

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